About Us
Our Challenge to all Well Wishers…
To partner with us in providing financial support for students, especially women, who are capable and willing to further their education and bring hope and change to Africa.
Due to poverty in Africa, many intelligent students, especially girls, are lost by the wayside because, though they pass their secondary school exams very well, they cannot continue with university education. Most parents, faced with the decision to send either their son or daughter to university, will send the son. This means there are still very few women in positions where they can effectively impact their generally patriarchal cultures.
Our greatest hope is that young people, with a Christian commitment, will have a university education so they can occupy decision-making positions and help change Africa. I am one of those few who benefited from a university education, and I believe this is the major way of breaking the cycle of poverty in Africa. It may be a cliché, but it is true that “when you educate a woman, you educate a village.” While other types of aid are crucial, education is the most significant way of empowering them against all forms of discrimination.
The need is very great. The scholarship will meet the tuition, room and board, medical insurance, transportation, summer courses, spiritual activities, library, computer, and other university fees. These fees can be between $2,350.00 and $2,500.00 per year for each student, depending on the exchange rate and university program.
A student normally spends four years at the university, thus needing approximately $10,000 to complete the course. It is, therefore, important to be able to guarantee that this money will be available before accepting the student into the program.
​In order to be eligible to receive a scholarship, the students must meet the eligibility criteria established by AMSHA Foundation Inc. board of directors:
a clear pattern of Christian behavior and evidence of a deep Christian commitment to a specific type of ministry
a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 or C+
acceptance or enrollment in full-time study
Proof of genuine financial need, i.e. why they are unable to pay either all or a portion of the university fees
In order to apply, students should send the following by email to the foundation (amshafoundationinc@gmail.com):
A testimony of your life as a Christian
Your picture
Your contacts, including phone number
Your proof of attendance or acceptance to a Christian university
A description of courses taken or to be taken and proposed final ministry after graduation
Proof from your institution of why you need help in paying your full or part of the fees
After all the above documents have been reviewed, the board of directors will communicate their decision to the student. (They may also contact the university for more details).