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Rachael Muasa

This is a sample testimony of a student who has benefitted from the JKW Scholarship fund, a precursor of AMSHA, awarded through Daystar University.

“I was born 24 years ago in the Rift Valley, as the first child to Benjamin and Susan Muli. I have two brothers, 21 and 10 years old respectively and a 13 year old sister.

As a child, I have grown up in different parts of the country; Eldoret, Lodwar, Meru, Nairobi and now Kiserian.

There have been several events that I strongly believe God worked together for my good. In the year 2000, I was involved in a hit and run accident where I survived, but little did I know that God used this accident to get my attention.

Although I was bred in a Christian environment, this incident was quickly forgotten and I did not respond to His call of love.

I cannot talk about my walk with Christ without mentioning Daystar University, which has played a significant role in my spiritual journey towards perfections in Christ Jesus.

In my last term of my second year in Tala Girls’ Secondary School, a group of students from Daystar University, in Athi River Campus, were invited to evangelize the Gospel during a weekend challenge.

I had grown up in the Church and I thought I had a relationship with Christ but the experience I had with God, at that specific time, drew out of me a response to the altar call made out to us.

Looking back, that accepting Christ into my life opened up a reservoir of love for Daystar was undeniable. I believe God reached out to me through Daystar and that He wanted to reach out to the other people through Daystar.

I desired to join the University after completing my high school education and I applied to go to college, where I took a diploma in Mass Communication at Shang Tao Media Arts College, which I completed in two years.

My cousin, who was in Daystar invited me for his graduation ceremony and encouraged me to apply for a degree course at Daystar University.

Before joining college, I made a, asking God to let me be in an institution that embraced Christianity and Communication, with a concentration on Public Relations.

I love to interact with people one-on-one, which I think is a powerful way to even touch lives.

With successful admission, in August 2007, I started my course work in Public Relations with a minor in Integrated Community Development.

My parents, who both worked for Telkom Kenya, were retrenched after the company was privatized in early 2007. This situation changed our way of life and it has continued to become difficult owing to the economic crunch that has hit the world, far and wide.

With one of my siblings attending local university, it has become increasingly difficult to even get the basic needs. In all these things, God has taught me to depend and trust on Him rather than on my own understanding.

As I totally depend on Him, He has worked wonders in my life through Daystar, which has paid KES 52,000 for my school fees in August 2011 semester. This scholarship came in at a time where my mother was ill and in dire need of surgery.

Indeed, all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord.

God has also placed in me the gift of music, which has been greatly nurtured in Daystar. I play various instruments which are the piano, guitar, bass, drums and violin.

I thank God so much because my musical gift has opened up so many opportunities for interaction. I joined the university’s singing group AFRIZO, and later in 2009, I was a part of a group of 8 students that took a scholarship fundraising tour in the United States on behalf of the University.

Being an ambassador not only for Daystar, Kenya, but also for Christ was a challenge as we toured because we were daily faced with circumstances that manifested more of our flesh than the Spirit.

Following Christ has not been an easy walk; my flesh is constantly at war with my spirituality and wonderful people, who have a deep sense of commitment towards building up of the Kingdom.

Every day is a learning experience and my life is gradually becoming bright and beautiful as He continues to reveal Himself in new ways.

Great is His faithfulness and mercies toward me.

I have also extended my service in African Inland Church Kiserian, where I have been a member for 7 years now, serving in the Praise and Worship department.

The grace of God is sufficient in every situation and we are looking forward to improving our church not just in action but also in faith and growth of the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I sincerely thank those who gave towards the scholarship as I’m now done with my undergraduate studies and hopefully await graduation.

I’m currently working as a Customer Care Executive for a mobile service provider (Orange).

In everything that I do, I aspire to be the salt and light of the world that God has asked us to be. In a world that goes totally against the laws of the Lord, we are called as Christians not just to preach a sermon on the pulpit but to live out that sermon.

As a young person, the pressure is even greater to conform to the standards of the world but I have chosen to stand with Romans 12; not to conform to the patterns of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind.

I am confident that “He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.”

Name: Rachel Muasa

Degree: Communication (Public Relations Major & Community Development Minor)

Nationality: Kenyan


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